Bladder Enlargement(Bladder Augmentation) Surgery In Lucknow

In some people, the bladder isn't large enough to store the urine made by the kidneys. Thus Urine may leak from the bladder.

In others, the bladder muscle may lose its ability to expand. If this happens, the pressure in the bladder is built up. This can keep urine from draining properly. Sometimes the pressure can push the urine back up through the ureters into the kidneys.

A bladder augmentation is a surgical procedure which is performed so that the bladder can safely store larger amounts of urine without causing high pressures or urinary leakage.

How do I Prepare for Bladder Augmentation Surgery?

A few days before surgery, a low fiber diet has to be started and start taking antibiotics to prepare the bowel. Your health care provider will tell you to only drink clear liquids the day before surgery.

What is a Bowel Prep ("Clean Out")?

"Bowel prep" refers to cleaning the bowel by drinking a special liquid. During this clean-out process, you will have several loose stools. The bowel prep is completed when the stools are clear and watery. This process can help prevent infection during surgery.

Before the bladder augmentation surgery is performed at bladder augmentation clinic in Lucknow, tests are done to measure bladder and kidney function and structure. These tests may include blood tests , x-rays , and bladder pressure studies (urodynamics). The same tests can be done after surgery to make sure the bladder is healing.


During surgery, a section of the bowel or stomach is used to make the bladder larger. The surgeon makes a incision in the belly and opens the top of the bladder. A section of the bowel or stomach is cut out and sewn onto the top of the bladder as a patch.

After the procedure

Once after bladder augmentation, the bladder may not be able to naturally release the stored urine. Most patients should learn to pass a catheter through the urethra or a specially created opening into the bladder. This catheter enables the bladder to empty. This is known as "clean intermittent catheterization" (CIC). After surgery, it's important to do CIC regularly so the bladder does not stretch too much or tear.